Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tea Notions & Potions: The Superstition of Tea

When tea arrives in the Western world in the 17th century it included a healthy bundle of superstitions. In part this may tie to all the magical qualities ascribed to numerous herbs. Smart retailers always had a good story to help market their goods. The greater fanciful the tale, the larger the price the item fetched. On the other hand, the superstitions about tea may have simply been a way to explain unusual happenstances in daily life. In both cases, they provide some fascinating insights to the way in which the tea culture viewed every aspect of the actual tea drinking encounter.

As you enjoy the next cup of tea with buddies, consider some of these omens as well as signs. Find out what future your tea holds for you.

Teapot Superstitions

Pay attention to your actions when working with a teapot. Should you leave the cover off while it brews, someone you do not understand will soon visit your home, sometimes bearing bad news. If you notice two women pouring from your teapot on the same day, one will be expecting a child before year's end. If you spill water from the teapot spout this means a secret may likewise be "spilled.Inch

Don't stir the teapot. Leave that for the cup. Stirring in the pot creates argument in the home and brings up aged issues. It is said for a woman to have good fortune she must receive a teapot as a gift and make her own brew first. Lastly never pour cooking water into an empty pot. This brings bad luck.

Tea Mug Superstitions

When a tea bag falls of the string inside the cup you can expect to loose something within the following week. Keep an eye on your keys! Pockets in your teacup say that you'll receive an unexpected kiss. Finding sugar remnants in the bottom of your teacup talks about an admirer.

If you released several cups and one doesn't get used, you've got a ghost in your house. If your fly falls inside your cup of tea someone is coming to visit (yuck). As you sip your tea in the cup, if it appears strong that means a new friendship will soon create. Finally always include milk after sugar to make sure your relationships don't become star-crossed.

Other Tea Superstitions

Spilling tea as you're making it is seen as a general good omen. Weak teas portends weak relationships. Teas leaves floating within the beverage reveal the forthcoming letter of import. Dropping teas leaves in front of the home protects everyone therein through negative energy.

Apart from all this tea totaling, people have long used tea leaves for any type of divination called Tasseography. Any kind of symbols and patterns left in the bottom of your cup by loose-leaf tea also predict your own future. It's a fun pastime to try if for no other reason that the luscious hot cup of make that you get to enjoy first.

Sarah Page writes tea-related articles for Oneness Teapots, selling kyusu teapots and surefire tea pots.

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